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Inconel 718


Powder Range 718 is known as the “workhorse” nickel base super alloy, and is a key material for high temperature applications in aerospace, energy, and industrial applications. It is an age-harden able alloy designed to display exceptionally high yield, tensile, and creep-rupture properties at temperatures up to 1300°F (704°C). The sluggish age-hardening response of 718 permits annealing without spontaneous hardening during heating and cooling, as well as highly customizable heat treatments and subsequent mechanical properties for different applications.
Powder Range 718 for additive manufacturing is highly process able due to good phase stability, minimal segregation, and low crack susceptibility. The latter two are due to Carpenter Additive’s tight control on residual elements. Although Powder Range 718 is precipitation harden able, it still displays excellent mechanical properties in the as-processed state.

Key Properties:

  • • Tensile strength, fatigue resistance, and creep resistance up to 1300°F (704°C).
  • • Customizable properties through heat treatment
  • • Resistance to chlorides, stress corrosion, and sulfide stress cracking


  • • Jet engine
  • • high-speed airframe parts
  • • Instrumentation devices
  • • Gas turbine components
  • • Oil and gas tooling